Weather Closure Practices
Severe winter weather can affect services. We follow the lead of the Ashland School District to determine safety of travel for our clients and volunteers. If the schools have closed due to weather, we are also closed. If they have a delay, we are delayed in opening with modified hours of 10:30am-12:30pm. Here is a link to the Ashland School District website.
Need Food?
Are you a resident of Ashland or Talent? Are you struggling to meet your family’s food needs? We’re here to help.
To Receive Services
- Bring a photo ID and proof of residency in Ashland, Talent, or surrounding areas with 97520 or 97540 zip codes, to each visit to the Food Bank.
- There are no other requirements, financial or otherwise.
- Monday through Friday — 9:30am to 12:30pm
- Every 3rd Saturday — 9:30am to 12:30pm
- 560 Clover Lane, Ashland, OR 97520 (map)
More information about community meals and other services »
Want to volunteer?
The upcoming Food Drive has been CHANGED TO FEBRUARY 22nd, 2025, due to inclement weather on the 8th. If you signed up for the February 8th food drive, and would like to join us on the 22nd, please fill out the form again.
The Green Bag food drives are an AMAZING volunteer experience, and we'd love for you to join us. The drives run from 9am-12 noon, shows the incredible spirit of generosity of our community, requires 30-40 volunteers to help us move approximately 30,000 pounds of food, and is completely inspiring! If you'd like to join us, please follow this link to fill out the participation form.
AND...we have a myriad of other volunteer opportunities. Please checkout our Volunteer page to learn about the AWESOME volunteer team we have, and for descriptions of the many ways volunteers support our operations. We look forward to working with you.
We are now accepting food donations, and are always grateful for monetary donations to help us keep our community fed. If you would like a receipt, please bring donations to the food bank Monday through Friday from 9:30am-12:30pm. Shelf stable food donations may be made off hours at our drop boxes found on the southeast side of the building. Our most pressing food needs are ever-evolving, so feel free to give us a call at 541-488-9544 or email us at info@AshlandCFB.
About Us
In solidarity with our community, the Ashland Community Food Bank sustainably provides food at no cost to all those in need living in Ashland and Talent, while increasing awareness of food insecurity. We serve all people with dignity. Learn more
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Our Generous Sponsors
Most Needed Items
Such as Cereal, Hearty Soups, Dried Beans, Rice. Pasta, Applesauce, Dried Fruits, Peanut Butter, Spaghetti Sauce, etc
We love receiving the overflow harvest from your garden! Please bring your succulent squash and other items to the Food Bank.
Each child visiting the Food Bank is invited to take home a couple of books of their choice. Spanish-language books are especially welcome
Your donation of grocery bags allows our customers to take home their goods in strong, reusable bags that won't tear when the contents shift.
Your Support Matters
Since 1972, Ashland Community Food Bank (ACFB) has provided food to residents of Ashland, Talent and surrounding rural communities. Each month, over 600 families representing approximately 1,700 individuals come to us for food. Our customers include the unemployed and under-employed, the working poor, students, seniors and those with disabilities and the homeless. Approximately 35 percent are children under the age of 18.
ACFB is supported by a coalition of faith-based organizations, along with the community at large. Church members, school children, local residents and neighborhood businesses donate food to us directly and volunteer their labor. Ashland Food Project's green bag collections comprise about a 35 percent of our total contributions.
Thanks to the generosity of our community, we are able to provide each individual or family who visits us with enough groceries to provide breakfast, lunch and dinner for two to three days.
To Receive Services
Customers should bring a photo ID and proof of their residency in Ashland, Talent, or surrounding areas with those zip codes each time they come to the Food Bank. No other paperwork is required.
Hours of Service
- Monday through Friday 9:30am — 12:30pm
- 3rd Saturday of the month from 9:30am — 12:30pm
Holiday Closures
We are closed, practicing government observation, for the following holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day.
A Giant Thank You
Every morning when we open the doors we greet a line of customers and we often hear their stories - both of triumph and despair. We are here to support our neighbors through difficult times. Food is fundamental: No one is prepared to tackle other life challenges when the belly is empty or the children unfed. Your support makes this work possible. Our heartfelt thanks to the community, for continually stepping up to help.