To Receive Services
We serve families living in Ashland or Talent and surrounding rural areas with 97520 or 97540 zip code. Signing up to receive food from the Ashland Community Food Bank is easy! Just come to 560 Clover Lane with a photo ID and proof of your address.
To Receive Services, Please Bring
- Valid Photo ID
- Proof of Residency in Ashland or Talent (utility bill, rental agreement, piece of mail with your name and a date, etc.)
For the Unhoused
- Photo ID
- We accept out-of-state ID’s OR no ID until you can acquire one
- During your first visit, you will receive a “traveler’s bag” and be eligible to receive three more within the first 30 days you are in our community; if you remain in the Ashland/Talent community for 30 days, you will be eligible for more generous shops four times a month.
Service Hours and Required Items
- Monday to Friday 9:30am - 12:30pm
- Every 3rd Saturday of the month
- Photo ID and proof of residency in Ashland or Talent

Weather Closure Practices
Severe winter weather can effect services. We follow the lead of the Ashland School District to determine safety of travel for our clients and volunteers. If the schools have closed due to weather, we are also closed. If they have a delay, we are delayed in opening with modified hours of 10:30am-12:30pm. Here is a link to the Ashland School District website.
If there is hazardous weather while schools are closed for vacation, please call us to find out if we are open. If we are closed, there will be a voice message indicating closure.
Holiday Closures
- New Years Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Day after Thanksgiving
- Christmas Day
- New Years Day
Other Resources:
Free Meals - New Schedule and Locations
As you have heard by now - the Free Meal Program is changing.
Monday Meals
4:00 Weigh Station
(Hwy 99 & Valley View)
4:20 Ashland Ck Park
4:40 Lithia Bandshell
5:00 Mistletoe Rd.
(at Tolman Creek Rd.)
Contact Cathy at
Potluck on the Plaza
5:00 PM
26 N. Main St.
(Bring something to
share if you can!)
Ashland BIPoC Sanctuary
12:00 - 2:00 PM
Ashland Library
410 Siskiyou Blvd.
Guanajuato Rm (Downstairs)
Komack Soup
5:00 PM
Lithia Park Gazebo
Winburn Way